Thursday, May 31, 2012

Four Things to Do with Your Honey This Summer

1. Stray off the beaten path.

Summer is the best time to break free from the scheduled monotony rut. Depending on your level of adventure, you can take a day trip to somewhere new, backpack in a remote location, or just go for a nice walk after dinner. The important thing is that you and your partner are experiencing new scenes together and taking the time to appreciate what’s beyond your previous horizon.

One of our Sisters once broke up her routine by meeting her husband after work and walking the entire way home. Her half hour commute turned into a 3-hour adventure where she and her husband were able to take in the minute details of the main road through town in a manner that one often misses behind the wheel.

2. Embrace a body of water.

You may not be able to swim with the sharks, bathe under a tropical waterfall, or surf in an iridescent ocean (or maybe you can!), but everyone one of us lives close to some sort of body of water. Water can be sensual, soothing, and even powerful. So take that trip to the lake, walk along the creek, or even just fill your bathroom with candles and experience a nice bubble bath. 

3. Take an iFree day.

Take your iPod, your iPad, your Mac and your iPhone, and put them away for a full 24-hours. You and your partner will be able to focus time on each other in a rare but much needed distract-free way. Can’t last that long without being connected to something other than your partner? Shoot for 12 hours, or even 8. Listen to the sounds around you now that your device is not humming in your ear. Or allow yourselves a shared iPod but nothing that connects you to another human being.

4. Dream big.

Remember the carefree summer days of your youth, when the next school year was always going to be the year? Maybe it was going to be the year you talked to your crush, or the year you got a killer wardrobe. Perhaps you looked forward to improving your GPA or applying to college. Even though you and your partner are now adults, don’t let go of your summertime dreams. Brainstorm your futures together and help each other achieve those dreams. Nothing builds intimacy and a sense of connection like having someone root for—and believe in—your best self.

Yours in Love,


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